
Battlefield vietnam world war ii mod
Battlefield vietnam world war ii mod

During Vietnam, the US benefited from several venerable weapons like the M60 machine gun, the accurate M21 sniper rifle, and workhorse CAR-15, the last of which has also seen extensive use in current warfare as shown in Black Hawk Down. Even a squad of extremely well-trained and experienced troops must contend with the technological limitations of their weaponry. It is nicknamed "the pig" for the grunting sound it makes when fired. It fires 7.62mm rounds and has been the general purpose machine gun of the US Army since 1950. M60 The M60 is classified as a light machine gun, but with its 100-round belt, it can inflict heavy damage. The NVA will also be making use of the Bouncing Betty and mines that can be set to explode on a tripwire or remotely. Its pump action and five-round magazine can help you clear a path through enemy troops and get out in one piece. Mossberg Shotgun When you're in for some close-range combat, the Mossberg can be your best friend. The AK47 eventually superceded the two carbines, thanks to large clips and longer range than its concurrent US counterparts. Judging from the list below, it would appear that the NVA has a more versatile range of weaponry, although this in part because they were fighting different wars historically, against the French and then against the US, so the carbines may be more useful for historical value than for practical usage, especially against the CAR-15 and M16. They'll also be making use of a modified, double-barrelled flare gun as an offensive weapon, rather than for signalling. Also, in Battlefield Vietnam, the NVA will make much more extensive use of ordinance launchers, including a shoulder-mounted heat-seeking missile of over two miles. The infamous AK also appears in two forms, with a folding stock and standard stock. They also made extensive use of the RPD, which looks roughly like a combination of a Thompson (Tommy) Gun and an AK-47. The officer's sidearm of choice, the TT33, was named for the year it was first created, 1933 (although the Colt. The NVA used mostly Russian weaponry, and many of their arms dated back before World War II.

battlefield vietnam world war ii mod battlefield vietnam world war ii mod

Battlefield vietnam world war ii mod